Using API, How to find test run ID by its title name

I have a few Test runs available on Testiny. I want to retrieve the TestrunID based on the Title of the test run


To retrieve/find test runs (or other entities), you can use the find API calls and pass filters.

For test runs you can find the docs for the POST request using body parameters here: Find 'TestRun' entities using the specified (body) parameters | Testiny Documentation.

Using query parameters see this page: Find 'TestRun' entities using the specified (query) parameters | Testiny Documentation

Here’s a concrete example for curl to find all test runs with the exact title “MyTestRun” by using the /find route and specifying a filter:

curl -L -X POST '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'X-Api-Key: <API_KEY_VALUE>' \
--data-raw '{ "filter": { "title": {"op": "like", "value": "MyTestRun" } } }'

Does this work for your use case?

Best regards, Hanna

Thank you for the response. I have SSL certificate issues on my laptop so I cannot test the CURL requests. I have to do it via Python API