Folder structure and test case deletion

I love this tool and intend to switch to this soon, however, I wanted to share feedback for items that the testiny superheroes can address in their next releases:

  • I cannot import test cases folder, and sub-folder (from testrail) directly to a folder (I want to) enabling me to keep the folder structure the same, currently, I have to re-structure and add them into a folder I want manually. Can we please address this short update?
  • Secondly, I cannot delete multiple sub-folders or folders along with test cases. I can delete multiple test cases by selecting them but let’s say I delete all test cases of a folder, the folder stays there I will now have to delete each folder separately.
  • Upon importing XML from testrail it changes bold to underline formatting, can we look into this?

Thank you!

Hi, welcome to the forum!

  • ad import to folder: true, the importer uses the folder structure from the imported file directly. So you basically want to select a root folder that all test cases & folders are then imported to?
  • ad folder delete: you can delete a folder and all contained subfolders by deleting the folder in the folder tree. You can also move folders, i.e. move them into a different folder including the contained sub folders
  • import bold → underline: Unfortunately, there is no complete standard for markdown and a lot of tools treat __text__ as underlined text. So __text__ will be imported as underlined, **text** will be imported as bold in Testiny.
    Does TestRail support underlined text at all? If not, we could change the importer to treat __text__ as bold, too, for TestRail XML files…

Thank you for your input!
