Linking test cases


Is there a way that I would link test cases between each other (as a precondition or as “follow with this test case”), so it would open the linked case in the Test Run?
I know how to make the links between test cases, but if I click on the link in the test run it takes me to the test case in “Test cases” and not to the case in the Test Run.
This would be really helpful to link test cases from different folders to each other.

Another interesting option would be, to have the same test case in 2 folders at the same time.

Thank you!

Hi and welcome to the Testiny forum!

To link to a specific test case in a specific test run, just use the copy-link button for the specific test case in the test run:

Unfortunately, there is currently no way to create a general “to other test case in same test run” link, i.e. a link that you can use in a test case and that would always point to a different test case in the same test run (and not link to the test cases on the “Test cases” page).

However, we want to improve the way you can link test cases anyway, I added your idea to that feature description. Thank you!

Best Regards,