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Add/remove/update mappings between 'TestCase' entities and other entities



Adds/Removes/Updates mappings between entities (e.g. test cases, test runs, etc.) if the mapping is defined. Id values are named by entity e.g. 'testcase_id', 'testrun_id' (see request schema)


Path Parameters

    otherEntities stringrequired

    The name(s) of the other entities to map to, separated by colon ':'

Query Parameters

    op string

    Possible values: [add, update, add_or_update, delete]


  • Array [
  • ids object

    An object of entity id keys for the member entities

    testcase_id integerrequired
    testplan_id integerrequired
    mapped object
    testplan_id integer

    The testplan_id property

    testcase_id integer

    The testcase_id property

    testcase_source_query_id integer

    The id of the testcase source query if created from a test plan query

    testcase_source_folder_id integer

    The id of the folder if created in a test plan from a folder

  • ]


The request failed because invalid request parameters or data were supplied or access was denied.

    code string

    The error code describing the general error category.

    status integer

    The HTTP status code.

    message stringrequired

    The actual error message describing the error in more detail.

    reqid string

    The request id for following up on specific errors.
