Is there any option for adding the review comments for test cases?

Is there any option for adding the review comments for test steps in test cases?

Hi and welcome to our forum!

In test runs, you can add attachments and comments to single steps if the test case uses the step template:

Or are you looking to add comments to test cases (and their steps) themselves? This is currently not possible. In the meantime, you could use a custom field for review comments as a workaround.

Best regards,

Hi Hanna,

Thank you for the quick response.

Yes, I’m looking to add comments to test cases (and their steps) themselves.

Appreciate if you could notify once the feature is implemented.

Alos, could you please guide me how can use custom field for review comments?

Thank you.

Yes, we’ll keep this feature request open and everyone is welcome to vote for this post and/or leave a comment.

If you have admin permissions, you can define custom fields for your test cases and use e.g. a (multi-line) text field.

Best regards,