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Release Notes & Changes

Testiny v1.16.1

July 24, 2024

Bug fixes

  • Fix copy/move of test case folders containing deleted folders to other projects
  • Do not trim TestRail text field values any more on import which may have caused markdown formatting to be lost

Testiny v1.16.0

July 23, 2024


  • The test run report now allows filtering by test case fields, test case folder, and test result
  • You can now move and copy test cases and test case folders between projects
  • The editor now supports strike-through formatting and block-quotes
  • The importer now allows to delete all test cases which were imported with warnings, removing the need for manual cleanup when retrying imports
  • Updating entities and mappings via the API without any effective changes will no longer update the version history or audit log (idempotent updates)
  • Added the new in_subtree API filter operator to support searching in tree-like structures, e.g. folder trees
  • The API now accepts document text as markdown (using the header line <!--markdown-->)

Bug fixes

  • Duplicating a test case now also duplicates all its links (attachments, requirements)
  • Fixed automatic import of custom Checkbox fields from TestRail
  • Fixed lookup for work item types including a space (e.g. "User Story" for Azure DevOps)

Testiny v1.15.2

July 03, 2024

Bug fixes

  • Importer: Fixed error handling for invalid requirement references
  • Added support for days & weeks in duration fields, e.g. estimate

Testiny v1.15.1

July 01, 2024

Bug fixes

  • Importer
    • Fixed attachment upload error if there are a lot(!) of attachments linked to just a few test cases
    • Fixed import being aborted if there is an error when downloading attachments
    • Fixed a rare error when parsing CSV files with unconventional formatting
  • Server
    • Only seed the database once even if setting up the Testiny server multiple times from a fresh container with the storage volume missing
    • Normalize HTTP allowed origins set in the configuration

Testiny v1.15.0

June 19, 2024


  • We now support 2-factor-authentication (2FA) using TOTP (authenticator), hardware keys/Passkey, and email codes
  • The TestRail API importer can now also import links to requirements (references) in Jira organizations
  • The import wizard now provides a summary with stats of all imported entities and encountered problems
  • The Redmine integration can now optionally search for issues in sub-projects
  • We added an account settings page
    • See your login sessions and logout session from the overview
    • See your organization memberships
    • Users with no access to any organization can login and create an organization

Bug fixes

  • Duplicating a test case now also duplicates all its links (attachments, requirements)

Testiny v1.14.2

May 28, 2024

Bug fixes

  • Importer: Fixed error when using a TestRail API URL without protocol
  • Importer: Fixed importing from TestRail instances that do not support pagination
  • Show validation hints also when editing a test case in a test run
  • Disabled buttons to add more queries if the maximum number of queries per test plan is reached, to avoid errors when retrieving the test cases for the test plan

Testiny v1.14.1

May 21, 2024

Bug fixes

  • Fixed unintended navigation between test cases when editing a test case title and using arrow left/right keys
  • Fixed unhandled errors within the rich-text editor

Testiny v1.14.0

May 17, 2024


  • You can now set results on individual test case steps in test runs
  • The TestRail API importer now allows to import custom fields and users
  • Added support for the OneLogin SSO provider
  • API key can now be limited to a role instead of just being read-only

Bug fixes

  • Fixed importing of steps from TestRail using the API importer if the steps field has a custom name
  • We now disallow inconsistent test runs to be inserted via the API

Testiny v1.13.1

April 26, 2024

Bug fixes

  • Add workarounds when importing test case attachments to cope with random TestRail API failures
  • Fixed test run report generation if images got deleted

Testiny v1.13.0

April 19, 2024


  • Extended the test run report to optionally include: test case details (including steps and custom fields), attachments, result history, links to defects and requirements
  • The user management now allows for inviting multiple users at once, either by pasting email addresses or from a CSV file
  • Improved TestRail API importer: added fallback for non-functional TestRail APIs and detailed summary of attachment import errors
  • Jira add-on: added theming and improved visibility into linked Testiny cases and results
  • Increased usability for choosing test cases to include when creating a new test run

Bug fixes

  • Handle collapseToEnd errors in the text editor
  • Marked the _etag field for all entities as required in the API documentation
  • Jira add-on: if multiple Jira integrations are configured in Testiny, show items only for the linked integration

Testiny v1.12.1

April 04, 2024

Bug fixes

  • Fixed import of TestRail folders via API if number of folders exceeds 250
  • Fixed UI refresh issue if changing the test case template

Testiny v1.12.0

March 22, 2024


  • Added statistics for last run results in the "Runs" tab of a test case
  • Added "At" and "By" columns to the version history for better sorting & filtering
  • Improved markdown conversion for bold+italic text & inline code
  • Improved markdown compatibility for exported text
  • Test case and test run exports now include descriptions for folders
  • Improved readability of test case custom fields in test runs for better readability and a more compact layout

Bug fixes

  • Fixed duplication of closed test runs for non-admin users
  • Fixed error when creating a new test case folder using the "extended" menu item and no folder is selected
  • No longer allow saving invalid comments from the unsaved data dialog which would cause an error
  • Fixed image aspect ratio in the text editor for imported images
  • Use status code 404 if mapped IDs are not found when using the API to map entities
  • Allow custom host names when using ClickUp integration

Testiny v1.11.0

March 06, 2024


  • You can now import your TestRail projects into Testiny including images and attachments using the new TestRail API importer
  • Test runs now show who closed a test run
  • Added --classname-as-folder and --strip-classname-prefix options for importing JUnit test runs via the command line

Bug fixes

  • Fixed automatic table column sizing if ID column is not shown
  • Fixed cloning of deep test case folder structures
  • Fixed comment save button layout
  • Increased the max number of repositories a GitHub token can have access to
  • Fixed a possible test case creation error when importing duplicate test cases with long titles

Testiny v1.10.2

February 16, 2024

Bug fixes

  • Fixed name validation UI when creating new API keys
  • Fixed race condition that could result in "Must at least specify a single mapped entity." UI errors

Testiny v1.10.1

February 12, 2024


  • Add collapsible sections in the test case view within a test run to better use the available space
  • Alphabetic sorting, e.g. for folder names, now considers numbers within text and sorts them "naturally"
  • Importer: added handling for "skipped" and "untested" test cases when importing junit test results
  • Importer: you can now define a "folder separator" character also for junit suite names when importing test results

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where dashboard history charts could cause a request error in the Free plan

Testiny v1.10.0

February 2, 2024


  • User roles can now be configured per project
  • Add folders to conditional queries in test plans and add test case filtering by folders
  • Show requirements linked to test cases in test run view
  • Test run summary is now collapsible/expandable
  • Add fixed seats billing option: define a fixed number of seats instead of automatic adjustment

Bug fixes

  • Preserve white spaces in description tooltips
  • Importer: fix bold formatting for imported TestRail test cases
  • Importer: add TestRail field "testcase_id" as importable field
  • Importer: fix "skipped" result mapping when importing Playwright test runs
  • Fix overly restrictive URL templates for Todoist integration
  • Make parsing for test result comments more robust

Testiny v1.9.3

January 18, 2024

Bug fixes

  • Fixed keyboard navigation in trees with filtering enabled
  • Added an option to ignore test classname when importing test runs from JUnit
  • Now using a different macOS keyboard shortcut for moving cursor in steps and tables (Alt+Ctrl+Arrow) to not interfere with default shortcuts
  • Fixed project settings that would not update if selecting a different project
  • Improved integration URL format checks

Testiny v1.9.2

January 05, 2024

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a possible UI error when bulk editing test cases with "URL" custom fields
  • Fixed audit log entry for test case (folder) export
  • Improved cloud to on-premises migration experience (Testiny Server beta version)

Testiny v1.9.1

December 22, 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Testiny CLI dependency problems causing it not to start on some environments

Testiny v1.9.0

December 21, 2023


  • Single sign on with your Testiny account to the Testiny forum
  • On-premises "Testiny Server" beta version is now available on request

Bug fixes

  • Links to external sites or opening in a new browser tab now all show an external link icon
  • Removed annoying scroll bar on images in text editors when they have focus
  • Fixed export of formatted text to comply with markdown rules
  • Fixed folder separator detection on test case CSV imports when the import folder column does not have the default name "folder"
  • Fixed cursor position when double-clicking on a text editor to switch to edit mode
  • Fixed editor behavior to remove images when adding a new step using Enter
  • Fixed styling of captions in the editor where the caption would not wrap lines
  • Trim strings assigned to URL-type custom fields when importing test cases

Testiny v1.8.2

December 05, 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed setting the "Reporter" field when creating Jira issues for some configurations
  • Fixed import of TestRail XML test cases in "Steps" template if no other test cases in "Text" template are imported
  • Improve handling of selection/focus errors in text editor

Testiny v1.8.1

November 28, 2023


  • Streamlined creating a new organization with an existing user
  • Improved auto-mapping when importing test cases by adding additional known column names

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an edge case where an empty test plan query could cause no test cases to be found in a test plan
  • The connection URL for integrations is now correctly validated when creating/editing the integration
  • Test case attachments are now correctly "frozen" in closed test runs
  • When re-opening a closed test run, test case attachments that will be updated are now also listed
  • Fixed an internal error when filtering by very large numbers

Testiny v1.8.0

November 16, 2023


  • Added an audit log where every action on the system can be traced chronologically
  • You can now add attachments to test cases & the attachments are available during test runs
  • Active filter settings for tables are now restored when reloading the page
  • Added "skipped" as a possible result for test cases in a test run
  • Empty test case folders now have a "quick-create test case" button
  • You can now duplicate a step in a test case from the editor menu
  • Allow to add missing custom field values on test case import automatically

Bug fixes

  • Fixed creating test runs with >1000 test cases from a test plan or folder
  • Fixed a bug where re-sending an invitation to a confirmed user could un-confirm a user
  • Fixed import of simple custom fields from TestRail XML files

Testiny v1.7.3

October 18, 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed SSO login issues with Azure AD/Entra
  • Fix handling of email addresses that match SSO domains when pasting them into user invitations
  • Fixed legibility of disabled controls in the dark theme

Testiny v1.7.2

October 10, 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed test run report not waiting for images to be rendered on slow connections
  • GitHub repository url checks are now case-insensitive
  • Fixed incompatibility with payment provider API on invoice preview

Testiny v1.7.1

October 06, 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed validation of URLs in custom integrations
  • Fixed formatting to be allowed in editor for special cases (e.g. when there are line breaks and copy items in the same paragraph)
  • No longer switch tabs in the test case edit view when selecting another test case (keep selected tab)
  • Fixed an issue where re-sending an invitation would change the user role to viewer
  • Fixed JUnit import for nested test suites
  • Fixed creating Azure Devops work items with required fields

Testiny v1.7.0

September 28, 2023


  • Added support for various single sign-on (SSO) providers:
    • Google Cloud Identity
    • Microsoft Azure AD
    • Okta
    • ...
  • Added built-in integration for YouTrack and Linear
  • Added setting to include test run description in report
  • Enhanced validator visibility on creating and editing test cases
  • Multi-line text custom fields can now be configured to be required
  • Reduced minimum length of entity titles from 3 to 1 (enhancement for logogram languages)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed field separator detection in importer for unquoted values
  • Fixed the list of connected Testiny projects in Jira instances that have the "Test Management for Jira" app installed

Testiny v1.6.2

August 30, 2023


  • Added link to browse integration when creating/linking issues
  • Jira User (Report, Assignee, ...) fields and the Sprint field now allow searching/selecting values

Testiny v1.6.1

August 17, 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed length check for integration names
  • Fixed user invitation state if a user is invited to an organization and creates a new one at the same time
  • Let importer create test cases with "Steps" template even if there is just a single step
  • Automatically redirect from login screen if a user is already logged in
  • API: Improved error messages for data mapping routes

Testiny v1.6.0

August 01, 2023


  • Integrations: Link test cases with requirements and defects from a wide array of integrations:
    • Azure DevOps
    • GitHub
    • GitLab
    • Redmine
    • ...
  • Added a setting with an optional time limit for re-opening a closed test run
  • Added a setting with an optional time limit for changing test results

Testiny v1.5.2

July 25, 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed validation of required custom fields with default values on import
  • Fixed export of folder paths for folders with empty parent folders
  • Fixed the help text for the editor quick-copy shortcut (Ctrl+E)
  • Fixed invalid blob references in the demo data history

Testiny v1.5.1

July 11, 2023

Bug fixes

  • Added missing values “estimate” & “references” when importing test cases from TestRail XML
  • Fixed edge cases when importing test cases from TestRail with markdown tables
  • Fixed importer “Enable nested folders” setting that would be ignored in some cases
  • Fixed importing of test case values into required custom fields

Testiny v1.5.0

July 06, 2023


  • Test Cases Import Assistant – drag & drop your existing test cases as a CSV or TestRail XML file into Testiny to import them
  • Settings: the list of enabled projects is now shown as a column in the custom fields table

Bug fixes

  • Rich text editor: Improve cursor movement for Copy items in Chrome
  • Rich text editor: Fix a special case where you could remove the “expected” cell from a row

Testiny v1.4.2

June 19, 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed formatting of axes labels in charts
  • Fixed missing steps when importing test cases with row-merging enabled

Testiny v1.4.1

June 12, 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed scrolling & shrinking behavior in test case edit views with large content
  • Fixed normalization for a special case when deleting part of a table in the editor
  • Fixed images being duplicated when being dragged within the editor in Chrome
  • Validate test case folder parent IDs when importing test cases to not allow moving folders into special folders (like “All test cases”)

Testiny v1.4.0

June 07, 2023


  • The rich text editor now supports basic tables
  • Added an “insert image” button in the editor toolbar (in addition to pasting or dragging an image)
  • We improved the layout and usability when editing an entity (e.g. a test case or test run) by using tabs to show all available information
  • The Testiny CLI can now import test cases from a TestRail XML export
  • We added a dedicated section in the settings for configuring the projects within an organization
  • The bulk changes view is now resizable

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue in Chrome when adding a row in the steps editor via the menu which caused typed text to appear incorrectly
  • Fixed usage of meta key on some macOS environments


  • Bulk editing is now also available when selecting just a single entry in the table

Testiny v1.3.1

May 22, 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed highlighting of search keywords in table columns with multi-value custom fields
  • Fixed display of changes of multi-value custom fields in test case history
  • Fixed test case folder history not being updated when switching between folders
  • Removed unnecessary checkboxes in the list of test cases in a test plan

Testiny v1.3.0

May 15, 2023


  • You can now use multi-value custom fields, allowing to select multiple values for a test case
  • Added a “Assign to me” button to quickly assign test cases to the current user in a test run
  • You can now filter by the number of comments/issues for a test case in a test run
  • The organization settings now allow to rename, change the owner of, or completely delete the organization
  • Improve usability for editing test plan folder queries (filter, expand/collapse, checked visualization)
  • Smaller usability improvements in the text editor

Bug fixes

  • Fixed race condition for loading fonts when showing report
  • Fixed possible unhandled error when using Google Translate with Testiny
  • Fixed minor navigation issues in test plans
  • Fixed sorting of exported test cases to be in the same order as in the user interface
  • Fixed linking of imported test runs to a test plan if the API key is limited to specific projects
  • Minimized recalculation of table layout that could have possibly caused flickering on resize


  • Test case/test run quota in the free plan is now enforced. If your organization is above the quota, you will not be able to add test cases or test runs. You will either need to remove test cases / test runs first or purchase a plan. Thank you!
  • The test case title is now inline-editable to save space and not show the title twice
  • We switched the default test case template to the “Steps” template

Testiny v1.2.1

April 18, 2023


  • We now provide the Testiny CLI also as an npm package: @testiny/cli

Bug fixes

  • Fixed privileges required for to trigger a recalculation of the quota
  • Fixed error that would be thrown when dragging test cases to the top/bottom position of the “In no folder” folder when being in the “All test cases” folder
  • Fixed importer to allow for empty steps in a test case
  • Fixed importer to regard empty values for custom fields as “not set”
  • Fixed connecting to Jira server for users with restricted permissions

Testiny v1.2.0

April 07, 2023


  • Introducing Test Plans
    • Compile sets of test cases by condition-based queries, folders, and explicit selection to easily create custom test runs while your test case base is evolving
    • Get insights from the test runs created from a plan by a heatmap of failed test cases
  • Customize testrun report: decide whether to include comments, only failed or all test cases, defects, requirements, or attachments
  • Improved Filtering: additional filter options and new UI
  • Sort test case folders now also in arbitrary order (in addition to alphabetically)
  • Testiny CLI Added support for macOS
    • Added option to update and close test runs
    • Added support for CSV encodings for importing
    • Unified the layout and UI capabilities of test case, test run, and test plan views (maximizing, size changes, close buttons, history views, …)
  • Allow every user to create and manage their own API keys
  • When linking Jira issues, issues of all types are listed now instead of just the default issue type set in the Testiny Jira config
  • Added support for Jira Server/Data Center

Bug fixes

We now enforce the maximum allowed title length in the UI when creating a run from a folder Hiding the test runner view now checks for dirty comments Fixed a few false positive “unsaved data” warnings Improved performance on notifications after switching the organization Fixed resizing of columns in tables with a lot of rows Fixed sorting issues with imported test cases


  • Test case/test run quota in the free plan is now tracked and a warning banner will be shown if an organization is over quota

Testiny v1.1.7

March 03, 2023

Bug fixes

  • Allow all work item types in result when searching for Jira issues

Testiny v1.1.6

February 06, 2023

Bug fixes

  • Correctly handle required date fields with default values in Jira integration

Testiny v1.1.5

January 19, 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the “Change plan” button in the billing settings that would falsely be enabled when selecting the “Free plan” and the trial has recently expired

Testiny v1.1.4

December 20, 2022

Bug fixes

  • Do not show component to change assignee or test case result if test run is closed (changing would result into error from backend)
  • Fixed check for unsaved data to show a message box on forward browser navigation
  • Fixed creating Jira issues when description is not present in Jira issue definition
  • Fixed notifications clients that would stay alive and try to (unsuccessfully) connect even if authentication expired
  • Fixed check for unsaved changes in Jira connection settings
  • Fixed scrolling the focused test case into view when navigating between folders and having page size set to >= 250

Testiny v1.1.3

December 06, 2022

Bug fixes

  • Fixed comments being saved even when not valid, causing an error message to be shown
  • Removed animations for some SVG icons because of high CPU load
  • Improve notifications to not need a full page reload on short (<10 min) network outages
  • Fix impact message when deleting a user from an organization without any projects

Testiny v1.1.2

December 01, 2022


  • Improved link resolution to be resilient to changes in entity structures; e.g. when having a link to a test case in a folder and the test case is moved out of the folder, the link will still get you to the test case
  • Test cases in test runs can now be unassigned, i.e. assigned to no user
  • Changed most “Cancel” to “Close” buttons that will check for unsaved data if clicked; pressing Escape now also by default invokes close and thus checks for unsaved data
  • Improved behavior during short maintenance periods (e.g. database migrations)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed test case save issues if the test case got changed and notifications are not working (API_INPUT_DATA_CONFLICT error)
  • Fixed a number of issues in the editor related to copy & paste and lists
  • Fixed empty folders being skipped when navigating back & forth in browser history
  • Fixed editor toolbar not being visible when having very long text (e.g. in test case steps)

Testiny v1.0.3

November 23, 2022

Bug fixes

  • Fixed images in emails that would not show up in some email clients
  • No longer show the delete button for the tenant owner user in the user management settings (clicking it would show an “not allowed” error)
  • Fixed a rare race condition that would result in an organization to become unavailable for a short period of time

Testiny v1.0.2

November 7, 2022

Bug fixes

  • Fixed child folders to show up immediately in tree when duplicating a parent test case folder
  • Add missing link to the API documentation on the API keys settings page
  • Fixed “custom fields changed” toast to not pop up occasionally any more when creating a new project

Testiny v1.0.1

November 2, 2022

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a possible issue that may cause data API requests to fail
  • Fixed a possible issue on confirming an invite to an organization

Testiny v1.0.0

November 1, 2022


  • Testiny reached production release status (v1.0.0) – you can now choose between the Free and the paid Advanced & Custom plans
  • You can now add descriptions to folders and these descriptions will show up in the folder and in tables with such folders
  • Viewers are now allowed to comment on test cases in test runs
  • Users having access to multiple organizations can now easily switch to organizations from the main toolbar
  • You can now directly navigate by URL to the “Add test case to test run” screen
  • We now show a hint and a description of how you can import test cases into your organization
  • The feedback dialog now warns users on closing in case of unsaved data

Bug fixes

  • Fixed cloning of test cases where the cloned test case title would exceed the maximum title length
  • Fixed an issue in the text editor where it would get stuck when trying to normalize invalid text structures
  • Fixed shortcuts in text editor on macOS to use the “Meta” instead of the “Ctrl” key
  • Fixed scrolling to focused row in table when navigating to already loaded table
  • Fixed display of initial change in history for multi-line custom fields
  • Fixed report layout for very long test case titles or test case folder names

Testiny v0.8.1

September 20, 2022


  • The demo project now showcases the new built-in custom fields

Bug fixes

  • Fix re-ordering of custom fields when moving to the very top or bottom
  • Fix focus behavior of disabled select boxes
  • Creating a demo project no longer shows a popup to reload the page due to changed custom fields

Testiny v0.8.0

September 9, 2022


  • Custom fields are now generally available
  • New custom field types: float numbers, URL, boolean, duration, multi-line text
  • Custom fields can now be (de)activated by project
  • Restructuring and new design of settings

Bug fixes

  • Fixed exporter for data containing JSON strings
  • Fixed error in steps editor for having too many columns
  • Fixed styling of tabs in table filter
  • Fixed auto-focus on name input when creating a new project

Testiny v0.7.0

July 19, 2022


  • Show and filter by custom fields in the test cases tables

Bug fixes

  • Fixed cosmetic glitch when switching test runs that would shortly show all test cases in the “in no folder” folder
  • Only show the editor steps toolbar (to create, move, delete steps) when hovering over the step with the mouse

Testiny v0.6.0

July 13, 2022


  • You can now configure the columns shown in the test case table
  • We added new columns for auditing (created by/at, modified by/at) and when the last result for a test case was set in run
  • You can now easily filter test cases in a test run by assignee or result by clicking on the requested value in the test run overview (“Team” tab or result chart)
  • Experimental Features, available/enabled on request only:
    • Custom fields allow you to add additional information to test cases
    • Importer: A command line tool to import test cases from a CSV file into your Testiny organization

Bug fixes

  • Fixed pasting a step into an empty step at the end of the steps list editor
  • Fixed connection to Jira projects with very large project meta data
  • Fixed an issue where changed test cases would suddenly appear in the test case list for a folder
  • Fixed the “Result by” column in reports to show the user that last modified the test case result in the respective test run
  • Fixed test run history navigation when opening it from test run overview

Testiny v0.5.3

June 17, 2022

Bug fixes

  • Fix editor toolbar formatting and link functionality

Testiny v0.5.2

June 7, 2022


  • Enhanced proposed name when creating a test run from a list of test cases
  • Allow organizations to invite the Testiny Support-User
  • Renamed Reader to Viewer role

Bug fixes

  • Clones now have correct “Created At/By” information in history
  • Added support for utf8 filenames in blob downloads (RFC5987)
  • Adding Step in Steps-Template works also when opening a test case using “Edit”-menu
  • Fixed unwanted invocation of menu item when opening a menu with keyboard by pressing “Enter”
  • Fixed syncing of work items that are linked to multiple test cases
  • Fixed notifications when multiple tabs of the same browser show different projects

Testiny v0.5.1

May 13, 2022


  • Provide a link to the now public Testiny Jira add-on

Testiny v0.5.0

May 09, 2022


  • Added per-column filters to limit shown test cases by distinct column values
  • Added the ability to export test cases and test runs to CSV and Excel files
  • When editing a test case, you can now maximize the editing space to fill the whole content area
  • The editor help screen now provides a playground showing all editor features
  • Show “show/hide closed test runs” action in test run list

Bug fixes

  • Fixed potential issue with test run “closed” timestamp that could result in no test cases being shown when test run is closed
  • Fixed copying from steps editor into normal text editor
  • Fixed table scroll-to behavior when showing 250 rows and more
  • Improved performance when duplicating test cases

Testiny v0.4.1

April 27, 2022

Bug fixes

  • Fixed migration issue when updating the Jira project config that may render the config invalid
  • Re-enabled scrolling the focused item into view in the test case table

Testiny v0.4.0

April 26, 2022


  • Test cases can now use the “Steps” template, providing a better user experience for individual steps
  • Enabled historic data also for mapping tables (links to comments, blobs, …)
  • API keys can now be created from the settings UI
  • Appearance of the app has been overhauled
  • Improved usability with input fields, e.g. email, organization name & Jira URL fields
  • Improved reconnect handling for change/update notifications connection
  • Improved login experience if using an (outdated) registration/invitation link
  • Improved behavior when searching for Jira issues/requirements to link

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a race condition when navigating to test cases in test runs that may cause the selected test case not to be found
  • Fixed list handling in editor in Chrome where new list items are not created on pressing enter
  • Fixed edge case workflows with closed & empty test runs
  • Do not allow dragging test cases into a folder when that folder is just being created
  • Fixed some UI issues when performing drag & drop into a tree or table
  • Fixed editor content normalization to cause test cases to be dirty even when not being edited

Testiny v0.3.0

March 15, 2022


  • Added infrastructure to support the Testiny Jira add-on (soon to be available in the Atlassian marketplace)
  • The list of test cases to add to a test run now shows test case folders
  • Improved usability when creating a new organization for an already existing account
  • Multiple rows in a table can now be selected by holding the Shift key
  • Comments now provide the possibility to generate a direct link to them
  • Provided better drop area visualization when dragging test cases or folders

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the test case count for the “Test cases in no folder” folder
  • Fixed issues with test case latest results when deleting test runs
  • Fixed issues when deleting the last test run
  • Fixed editor errors with list conversions

Testiny v0.2.0

March 03, 2022:


  • Jira integration: Allow to link defects (to test runs) and requirements (to test cases)
  • Most navigation controls are now links so you can easily open them in a new browser (tab)
  • Registration and invitation tokens stay the same on resending
  • Added hint tooltip for main side navigation
  • The default role for invited users is now “Editor”
  • Enlarged drag & drop target when dragging items into an empty table

Bug fixes

  • Fixed editor list conversions
  • Fixed blob caching behavior
  • Fixed project & folder cloning when notifications are not fully functional

Testiny v0.1.1

January 31, 2022


  • Allow to (easily) resend invitation emails, both as organization admin and invited user
  • Improve editor handling of quick-copy and link contents
  • Improve toasts to show up only once per connection error type

Bug fixes

  • Fix issues in starting a test run, e.g. when the test case list is filtered
  • Fix editor behavior during bulk edit if content gets changed elsewhere
  • Fix blobs (e.g. images) in demo projects to show up correctly

Testiny v0.1.0

January 20, 2022


  • Richtext editor: for test case precondition & steps/results, including a differences-view in the same style for the history, keyboard shortcuts, and ease-of-use automatic conversions
  • Hierarchical table: test cases are grouped hierarchically by their folder, both in the test cases and test runs page tables
  • Adaptive test case editing layout: if there is enough space, show steps & expected results next to each other, with the possibility to maximize the editing flyin for new test cases
  • Creating a test run is now using a flying to specify title and optionally assignee when done from the test cases page
  • Add “first steps” call-to-action buttons on Dashboard for new projects to help users how to start in new project

Bug fixes

  • Fix re-invite of unconfirmed users that before would not be able to provide a password
  • When navigating to a test case that is currently hidden by the filter, the filter is reset to show the test case

Testiny v0.0.9

November 19, 2021


  • Test run report: create a printable report from a run (both when open or closed)
  • Test run team: show an overview of the current assigned team for a test run, i.e. users and the number of test cases assigned to them
  • Usability: show details of the consequences when deleting users or re-opening test run
  • Setting: improved the structure of the personal settings, especially the ones that require entering the current password

Bug fixes

  • Language from registration is persisted, i.e. when performing the registration in German, the app initially opens in German, too
  • Fix initial routing to a test case in “edit” mode
  • Fix flickering when showing/hiding areas, e.g. the TC “edit” view
  • Do not allow pasting images into comment if there is already some comment text (pasting would clear/delete text content)
  • Fix navigating in the test run test cases list if the list is sorted/filtered by test result
  • The list of test cases to add to a test run is automatically refreshed after clicking “Add & next”

Testiny v0.0.8

September 22, 2021


  • Jira Integration: Link Testiny-Projects to Jira-Projects and Issue types; allows to create new Issues and link existing Issues during execution of a test run
  • More intuitive structure of test cases which are not in a folder
  • Expanse/collapse state of navigation bar is persisted
  • Cancel & OK focus handling and keyboard usage for navigation enhanced in test case folder and test run tree
  • Add a global notification banner for Testiny to notify users on a tenant/organization
  • Improvements to feedback dialog
  • Linked entities section is now sizable

Bug fixes

  • Fix deletion of non-empty folders (did not work unless you were admin)
  • Fix navigation to closed test runs if closed test runs are not shown
  • Improved the tooltip behavior to make it smoother

Testiny v0.0.7

July 28, 2021


  • Bulk edit for test cases and test run results
  • Comments: Allow multiple comments, attachments & images per test case in a test run; also show the number of comments per test case in the test run table
  • Allow to change assignee for test cases in a test run directly from the table
  • Make human readable date more “human” 😉 and switching between absolute and relative on click
  • Navigation from test case in test run back to test case

Bug fixes

  • Corrected the licenses list for used packages
  • Last result performance improvements
  • Statistics performance improvements

Testiny v0.0.6

June 27, 2021


  • Closed test runs can be filtered in the list of test runs
  • Add history of test case execution in a test run
  • Consistent entity headers
  • Navigation in right-area-detailview clarified (on editing test case out of runner, navigate back instead of closing)

Bug fixes

  • Enhance performance of cloning (test cases, test runs)
  • Fix creating test runs from test case list or folder with more than a few hundred test cases in Chrome (“keepalive” flag in fetch for payloads > 64KB)
  • Fix ID highlighting in tables
  • Consistency fixes (message box text highlighting, translations, button titles, …)
  • Required field markers removed on registration dialogs where all fields are required