Quality Assurance Management for QA experts​

Management efforts are way too high?

Testiny makes Quality Assurance as easy as it can be.

Smooth test management.
Organize your test cases in structured test suites.
Transparent team collaboration.
Discuss test results in your team, interactively work together on results.
Monitor your progress.
Mitigate risk by gaining insights over test run execution and progress.
Track changes.
Revision-save documentation of your results including a complete changelog and audit information.
Connect developers and testers.
Create, link, and manage Issues in Jira, GitLab, Azure DevOps and more tools to keep in touch with your development team.

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What makes Testiny a great tool for Quality Assurance Management?

Easy to start, easy to use.

Evaluate Testiny with a demo project. Get started easily by following the guided first steps. Start writing test cases and restructure them later. Testiny keeps care of revision safety and result tracking. Gain deeper insights with dashboards and charts.

Boost collaboration.

Invite colleagues to your test project. Collaborate on creation of test cases and execution. Assign test cases and test executions within your team. Seamlessly collaborate with developers by using issue-tracker integrations. Create and link issues, see current status of issues within Testiny.

Real-time analyses and persistent reports.

Track your progress with a single page overview. Create reports from test runs, print or save them to PDF. The reports give you an extensive overview of all test case results and is the perfect documentation for your testing efforts and their outcome.

Monitor your progress .

No digging around for the overview you need – our dashboards give you the insights you need to perfectly manage your team and your overall QA. With us, you’ll always know where you are and if you’ll meet your deadlines – release on time with ensured high-quality software.

Flexibility & control.

In an ever-changing environment, flexibility is key; even more when gapless traceability is needed. Testiny keeps track of all changes under the hood, but remains flexible at the same time – Testiny adapts to you; not the other way round.

Are you able to meet your stakeholder expectations?

Delivering high-quality software on each release is more important than ever. Smooth quality assurance and test management are crucial in meeting this goal. Testiny is the cornerstone that supports you to deliver continuous high quality and to keep in control of your testing efforts and on track with your release.

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Level up your testing game.
Start using Testiny today.

Free 14-day trial available. No credit card required.