Testiny vs. TestRail
Check our comparison Testiny vs. TestRail. Explore Testiny's comprehensive test management platform, designed to handle all your manual and automated tests in one convenient location. Benefit from robust API access, seamless integrations with Jira, GitHub, GitLab, Azure, and more. Choose secure on-premises installation options with Testiny Server.
Modern technology
Testiny is built on a future-proof infrastructure prioritizing security, leveraging a smart, scalable backend and a user-friendly interface that blends familiarity with innovative concepts.
Alternative to TestRail
Testiny stands out as a premier alternative to TestRail — a contemporary, responsive, user-friendly platform designed to meet all your testing needs.
Full integrations
Testiny supports Jira, GitHub, GitLab, Azure and more out of the box. Just connect and create or link issues from within Testiny.